Visited “Do Space”

I was part of a group of librarians who toured the Do Space in Omaha, Nebraska.

Our primary mission was to learn about some of the cutting-edge technologies that could be used in libraries in our area.  Do Space is a futuristic model of what libraries could be.  They have 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, 56 computer stations, teen spaces, spaces for younger children, meeting rooms.

While the technology is exciting, the thing that caught my attention was the way in which Do Space is governed and funded.  They are a nonprofit that is funded by some large donors that provided the capital to get it going.  They received no city or county funding, so it has no entanglements with those governing agencies.  They do not charge for the use of the facility generally speaking.  There are no fees, except for those of printing, or using the meeting rooms.

While this library is significantly different that of most public libraries, we could learn something from the way the project is funded.  Thoughts abound and they are dangerous, especially for those of us who work in public libraries.  I am all for public funding of libraries, but what could we do if we totally reimagine the library and the way it is funded.

I don’t have definite ideas formulated, but the trip made my mind pop with potential ideas.  I will write more about these later.

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